Friday, September 2, 2011

Projects - Pattern Deconstruction

My husband went to California this week for work, and that means I stayed up till like 1 am every night this week sewing and such since I had noone telling me to stop doing stuff and go to bed. Or sit on the couch with and watch our TV shows until we were both tried enough to go to bed. (This is closer to the truth. :) )

So, I did some projects this week I've been meaning to work on for a while. It takes me forever to get started during the day; meaning I start working on a project around 3 pm and finish after midnight.

Project number one was taking apart a dress I have (that has been falling apart and is pretty much unwearable), and making a pattern from it! Project number 2 was making some shorts to wear underneath skirts/dresses that are prettier than the bike shorts I currently wear (as wind gust insurance!).

I took a seam ripper to the dress and ironed all the pieces, then traced each piece onto Kraft paper. Once I did that, I cut a first run from an old sheet, but when I put it all together it looked really weird. First pattern deconstruct experiment FAILED. But that's okay, I have lots of old sheets and kraft paper! So I tried again! I made some adjustments to my pattern, lowering the waistline, widening the neckline and peter pan collar, and making a fuller skirt.

The result was so adorable and comfy that I made two dresses from the pattern!
I even added POCKETS. Yes, the very best part of any article of clothing. Dress 1 is made from a bolt of fabric I got at an estate sale last weekend, and Dress 2 is made from an old sheet from a thrift store.

I used elastic for the waistbands. On one dress I sewed the elastic directly to the skirt, and the other I laced the elastic through the sewn down casing.  I stretched out the skirts to match the bodices, then pinned and sewed them to the bodice just under the elastic, you can see the result in the below pictures.


The second part of my projects this week, was to make some pretty shorts to wear underneath my skirts and dresses. I've been meaning to do this for some time and just haven't gotten around to it. I got the idea to use some thrifted, lace trimmed slips I don't wear as the material for the shorts! This ensures no snagging or clinging to the skirt during wear.

I found a tutorial that partially inspired these shorts! DIY Tap Shorts There's a more detailed tutorial over there, but the way I did mine I think is a bit simpler. (In my opinion!)

I took apart an old pair of Target jammie shorts I never wear, and made a simple pattern from half of the front and half of the back. Cut two pieces for each part. I lined mine up along the lace edging so they'd finish up complete with lacy loveliness! I am so excited about how well they turned out I cant wait to wear them all the time and make like 20 more pairs. Sadly I accidentally deleted most of my in progress photos off my camera...but I will take more when I make a second pair! Along with a more detailed step by step!

Voila! From slip to shorts!

I feel a little scandalous. 

Dress and shorts in action! Sorry for low light photos and a dirty mirror! :)

Thanks for reading!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! So cute! I've been dying to learn how to sew! I got a few vintage patterns and fabric I loved (and a good friend to do it with).... and then i got pregnant and lost the will power to make a dress I can't fit in to for a year at least! lol

  2. Nichole! Thank you! Burda 7528 is pretty stylin for mama to be. I haven't tried it yet but look how cute that dress is, for being pregnant or not!(there are some adorable vintage maternity ones too! Check etsy!)


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